A healthy, youthful look takes time and work to achieve. Eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise can go a long way towards keeping you looking fit, trim and ready for the beach.  But sometimes, especially as you age, there are those spots where your fat just doesn’t seem to budge. It can feel hopeless. Many people find areas around their belly and thighs produce fat that refuses to be reduced even with targeted exercise. ONDA body shaping with Coolwaves technology helps you achieve that final look you’re after. It is possible! In just a few sessions, you can work your way towards the shapely figure you seek.

What is ONDA body shaping?
ONDA presents a non-invasive technology for sculpting your body. This means it doesn’t require surgery, (unlike a procedure like liposuction), yet it can change the shape of your body. Rather amazing, we agree! Over time, ONDA treatments can result in a new-looking you, bringing you an increased sense of confidence whether you’re wearing form-fitting clothing or spending some rewarding time relaxing and rejuvenating on the beach.

Everyone deserves to look their best, and so do you. As a sought-after Canberra weight loss solution, ONDA produces results you’ll love. You may not believe your fat can be targeted and broken down from the outside in, but science has proven it really can.

How does body shaping work?
As a contouring treatment and one of our top Canberra weight loss services, ONDA uses microwave technology to surpass layers of your skin and reach targeted areas in your deeper fat. It’s been clinically proven to work and is a patented technology used worldwide. This award-winning approach delivers specific heat to your subcutaneous fat cells. The energy breaks down the cell membranes, and in doing so, stimulates your body to dissolve fat and produce collagen. ONDA can be used to target unwanted fat around your abdomen, as well as on your hips, thighs, and beneath your chin. The result is you enjoying a tighter, firmer look in tissues with less fat.

How soon can I expect results?
ONDA isn’t normally conducted in one sitting, although it can be. More often, clients choose to engage in 1 to 4 sessions for optimal results, with treatments spread over two to four weeks. An area of 15cm x 15cm can be deeply treated in around 10 minutes, and although your results can take some time to show, they will in time. This short delay occurs because it takes your body time to get rid of your broken lipocytes naturally. After your third treatment, however, many clients see noticeable and striking results.

How long does it last?
As a revolutionary treatment, many clients truly love, how long your results last depends somewhat on your lifestyle. If you undergo several treatments, your body could continue to rid itself of target fat cells for several months to come. Every person is different but some have seen elimination continue for up to 4 to 6 months after their final treatment. With a healthy approach to eating and adequate exercise, your ONDA body contouring results can potentially last indefinitely. Great news!

Are you ready for a new you? Our clinic offers the best in Canberra weight loss services and this includes the amazing effects of ONDA body sculpting. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation so you can ask questions and get the answers you seek. ONDA treatments can be life-changing and may be ideal for your situation. Contact us today to find out more.