In recent years, fat freezing as a method of fat loss has become popular. One big reason is that the procedure is a non-surgical body contouring treatment, making it the preferred treatment for excess fat. Remarkably, fat freezing is ideal because it has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Also, there is no interruption of a person’s day-to-day routine (no downtime compared to liposuction or invasive and painful surgery).

The process of fat freezing involves cryolipolysis. The areas in which fat needs to be removed are where the Cooltech fat freezing modern technology is applied. There might be specific areas such as the thighs, neck, and stomach where doing exercise or dieting did not work. Fat freezing operates to compact these areas and give the best body shape.

There are still many misconceptions about this innovative technology, even though numbers have shown that more and more people are embracing CoolTech for fat loss. Keep reading as we straighten out some common fat freezing myths!

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